Greetings to all,
This is just a reminder to all about some special events happening in the College and Career Standards Community. I am reposting an earlier announcement. I hope that you will join the discussion.
At 12:00 p.m. ET, meet us in the LINCS College and Career Readiness Standards group for your chance to ask questions, share success stories, and interact with other CCRS, assessment, and career pathways professionals. Featured presenters, Dr. Kaye Forgione, Meredith Liben, and Frank Scuiletti will discuss why employability skills matter, and answer your questions on how to apply them in the adult basic education (ABE) classroom.
For more information on how the Employability Skills Framework connects with the ABE College and Career Readiness Standards, be sure to register for Wednesday’s Implementing the Employability Skills Framework in the ABE Classroom webinar. Then, after the event, join us in the ongoing discussion thread to continue the conversation with the presenters.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The LINCS Community team
Space is limited. RSVP is required.
Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME