October 2014: College and Career Standards Group Snapshot: Join the Conversations!
New and Ongoing Discussions
- Building an Online Presence for What Happens in Class: Do you build an online presence for what happens in class? Let us know and what tool you use: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/building-online-presence-what-happens-class
- How Are Adult Learners Doing on the New GED? If you are a GED teacher or GED program administrator, how does a 53 percent pass rate fit with your experience? https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/how-are-adult-learners-doing-new-ged
- Tech Camp a Big Success, CEEAS Rolling Out a Nationwide Coding Initiative: The Center for Educational Excellence in Secure Settings’ Tech Camp brings teachers, principals, administrators together with big changes underway in a number of juvenile justice agencies. Read the full story: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/tech-camp-big-success-ceeas-rolling-out-nationwide-coding-initiative
- Do We Need Research on Adult Literacy/Basic Skills/ASE/ESOL/ESL/College Prep or Learning Disabilities Education? The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences is welcoming responses from adult educators about what research is needed to help them plan their future work: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/do-we-need-research-adult-literacybasic-skillsaseesoleslcollege-prep-or-learning
- Rigor and Conceptual Understanding: The Common Core Shifts in Mathematics: Struggling with teaching the Pythagorean Theorem? Watch how one educator reaches his students to understand this challenging concept:https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/rigor-and-conceptual-understanding-common-core-shifts-mathematics
- Where Does Each State Stand on the Common Core State Standards? View an up-to-date snapshot of where each state stands on the Common Core: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/where-does-each-state-stand-common-core-state-standards
- 30 Leaders in the Field Speak Out: What about You? With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Center for Advancement of Adult Literacy has assembled thought pieces by 30 leaders in the field of adult education, including Johan Uvin, Jodi Crandall, Heide Spruck Wrigley, Lennox McClendon: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/30-leaders-field-speak-out-what-about-you
- Examining Student Work Teams: Explore the issue of teachers working in a team to examine students’ mathematics work via a video from the Teaching Channel: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/examining-student-work-teams
- Should We Teach Adults Speaking Skills? How are you responding to the new emphasis in the CCRS on speaking and listening skills? Share with the community here: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/should-we-teach-adults-speaking-skills
New Group Bulletins
- Online Course: College Readiness for Adults: College Readiness for Adults: Beyond Academic Preparation is an online course from World Education that will be starting on October 23. Read more: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/bulletin/online-course-college-readiness-adults
- White House Fact Sheet on Improving College Opportunity: The August 13, 2014 White House fact sheet on improving college opportunity is now available: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/bulletin/white-house-fact-sheet-improving-college-opportunity
Have an announcement to share with other group members? Post to the Bulletin tab! https://community.lincs.ed.gov/node/257/content/bulletins
New LINCS Announcements
- Archived WIOA Webinar Available for Viewing: The archive of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): An Overview of Adult Education and Literacy webinar presented on August 28 is available for viewing: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/archived-wioa-webinar-available-viewing
- SNAP Employment and Training Pilots – Webinar: The USDA Food and Nutrition Service invited state SNAP agencies interested in Employment and Training pilots to participate in a webinar on Wednesday, September 24: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/snap-employment-and-training-pilots-webinar
- Watch and Follow – National Dialogue on Career Pathways: The U.S. Departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services hosted a full-day National Dialogue on Career Pathways event on Tuesday, September 23: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/watch-and-follow%E2%80%94national-dialogue-career-pathways
- OER Fact Sheet for Adult Education: OCTAE recently released an OER Fact Sheet for Adult Education to help adult educators and others in the field learn more about OERs: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/oer-fact-sheet-adult-education
- Health Literacy Update to Staying Healthy (Teacher Guide): OCTAE is pleased to announce the addition of Staying Health for Beginners: An English Language Learner’s Guide to Health Care and Health Living (Teacher Guide) to the LINCS Resource Collection. This guide targets beginning level EL learners: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/health-literacy-update-staying-healthy-teacher-guide
- Affordable Telephone Service for Income-Eligible Consumers: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Lifeline Program helps low income consumers connect to the nation’s communications networks: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/affordable-telephone-service-income-eligible-consumers
- International Literacy Day 2014: September 8th was International Literacy Day! The theme this year was Literacy and Sustainable Development. View UNESCO’s announcement, infographics, and follow #literacyday on Twitter: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/notice/international-literacy-day-2014
New to the College and Career Standards group? Introduce yourself here! https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/welcome-and-please-introduce-yourself-0
See you in the College and Career Standards group!
The LINCS Community Team