Hi Everyone,
I want to take a moment and reflect back to this last year in the College and Career Standards Community. Two conversations that created much interest were the Kentucky Adult Education’s Standards Professional Development Resources: Webinar and Guest Discussion: LINCS Community, https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/kentucky-adult-education’s-standards-professional-development-resources-webinar-and-guest and Getting Students College and Career Ready, https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/getting-students-college-and-career-ready. If you have not looked at these, you may want to bookmark them for future reading. I think another discussion thread that might be of interest is the introduction postings at https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/welcome-and-please-introduce-yourself-0. I know that I am always curious to learn more about you and your work.
As we move forward in 2014, what discussions would you like to see in the Community? Think about what would be especially helpful to you. Do you have any topics that are of particular interest? I would like our conversations to reflect the specific interests of our group. I will organize the ideas you suggest, and they can get us started in the New Year. Please post your thoughts and Happy New Year.
Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME