Week August 19, 2013: Postsecondary Completion Group Snapshot: Join the Conversations!
New Group Discussion
- Delivering College Information to GED Passers - Does your state provide college-going information along with the HSE diploma mailing? If so, what is provided? Add to the discussion here: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/delivering-college-information-ged-passers
LINCS Community Announcements
- Share Your Knowledge! How Can Technology Transform Adult Education and Current Practice? The American Institute for Research (AIR) in collaboration with the LINCS Community is hosting an online discussion centered on the recently released draft report: Connected Teaching and Personalized Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) for Adult Education. The online discussion, guided by Drs. Art Graesser and David Rosen, is currently taking place in the Technology and Learning group until today, Monday, August 19. Join the vibrant discussion here:
- Learning (cross-posted to the Disabilities group): https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/welcome-first-day-discussion-%E2%80%9Chow-can-technology-transform-adult-education-and-current-pr
- Assessment (cross-posted to the Formative Assessment group): https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/day-three-our-discussion-%E2%80%9Chow-can-technology-transform-adult-education-and-current-practi
- Teaching (cross-posted to the Evidence-based Professional Development group): https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/day-four-our-discussion-%E2%80%9Chow-can-technology-transform-adult-education-and-current-practic
- Productivity and Infrastructure (cross-posted to the Program Management group): https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/day-6-and-7-%E2%80%9Chow-can-technology-transform-adult-education-and-current-practice%E2%80%9D-focusing-
Group Bulletin
There are no new group bulletins. Have an announcement to share with other group members? Post to the Bulletin tab! https://community.lincs.ed.gov/node/258/content/bulletins
New to the Postsecondary Completion group? Introduce yourself here! https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/introductions-new-postsecondary-completion-group
See you in the Postsecondary Completion group!
The LINCS Community Team