Week December 9, 2013: Postsecondary Completion Group Snapshot: Join the Conversations!

Week December 9, 2013: Postsecondary Completion Group Snapshot: Join the Conversations!

In the months of November and December, the Career Pathways and Postsecondary Completion groups are turning their attention to the resources transitioned from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education funded project, Designing Instruction for Career Pathways (DICP). Since the end of the DICP project in September 2013, the resources from the DICP project have been moved and are now all available in the LINCS Resource Collection: http://lincs.ed.gov/programs/acp

Each week this month, the group subject matter experts, Donna Brian and Priyanka Sharma, are focusing on a topic related to Adult Career Pathways and highlighting professional development materials in the LINCS Resource Collection that can impact your program and practice.

The primary goal is to help you get familiar with what is new in the collection. As you explore the DICP resources from the collection, we encourage you to add to the conversation to let us know which resources you have found most useful.

Happy exploring and sharing!


Group Bulletin

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LINCS Announcements



New to the Postsecondary Completion group? Introduce yourself here! https://community.lincs.ed.gov/discussion/introductions-new-postsecondary-completion-group


See you in the Postsecondary Completion group!

The LINCS Community Team