WIOA: What Now? Shifts in Policy, Shifts in Practice Webinar Series

The Senate floor is a long way from your programs and classrooms. Attend the WIOA: What Now? Shifts in Policy, Shifts in Practice Webinar Series to learn more about what WIOA means for educators and explore existing and emerging strategies for your students to increase engagement, accelerate academic progress and prepare for postsecondary education or workforce training.



Webinar #1: College and Career Focused Program Models

Friday, December 5th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm EST


This webinar will explore two major shifts for the field of adult education and workforce training named in the WIOA legislation: 1) the need to develop and strengthen career pathways that integrate basic skills and career preparation and 2) a focus on preparing adult learners for success in postsecondary education and the workplace. College and Career Focused Program Models will be a practitioner led dialogue designed for you to consider what these shifts mean for program design and classroom practice. Learn how two approaches, Minnesota Fast Trac and LaGuardia Community College’s Bridge to College and Careers Program, strengthen pathways and move more students into postsecondary education and the workplace.

The WIOA: What Now? Practice and Policy Webinar Series is co-sponsored by the National College Transition Network/World Education and LaGuardia Community College/CUNY.

Future webinars will highlight college and career focused models for English language instruction and models for collaboration between adult basic education and workforce investment boards as examples of programmatic shifts implied in WIOA.