Breaking Bias Seminars

The Conference Board Presents two seminars on the topic of Bias. 




Breaking Bias - Neuroscience Seminar on March 24th presented by David Rock covers how human decision-making is deeply biased. Given how critical sound decision-making is, it is imperative that leaders identify and minimize bias whenever possible. The fact is, many biases are completely unconscious to us. To date, there has been no widely used model for bias mitigation.

Breaking Bias Seminar: Building Cultures of Inclusion Through Mitigating Bias in Decision Making Seminar on March, 25th focuses on building an organizational culture that begins to mitigates bias in business decisions, not just talent decisions. Participants will have an opportunity to deepen their knowledge about biases in their organizations, participate in a simulation that exposes bias in decision making, and create strategies for their organizations. The session will be highly interactive, engaging, and application focused.

Questions: We are here to help (212) 339-0345.


Are you kidding? 

How does this promote inclusion?

Full Price
Workshop I:
Breaking Bias - Neuroscience
24 March, 2014 $ USD 1,215.00

Full Price
Workshop I:
Breaking Bias Seminar
25 March, 2014 $ USD 1,215.00