COLLO Symposium: End Poverty...

The Coalition for Lifelong Learning (COLLO), in collaboration with the International Council on Adult Education, is sponsoring a symposium for lifelong learning organizations in the US and Canada:   UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to end povertyprotect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all

Date:  October 3, 2016  Time:  9:30 am to 3:00 pm

·      Online -- free of charge
·      In Person – One DuPont Circle, Washington, $25 (lunch included)



·      Details will be sent to each registrant

Get more Information or Download the Flyer:: Presenters:

This symposium is a RARE OPPORTUNITY to hear from and interact with:

  • Katarina Popović, Secretary General, International Council on Adult Education (Serbia);
  • Carlos Vargas-Tamez, UNESCOSenior Project Officer, “Rethinking Education”
  • Dan Wagner, UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia);
  • Budd HallCo-Chair, UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility, University of Victoria (Canada); and
  • Colleagues across North America including:
  • Allison Wright (or representative), U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Department of State
  • Ronald Cameron, Immediate Past (retired) Director General, Institut de coopération pour l'éducation des adultes (ICÉA), Canada
  •  Mary Beth Lakin, Director of College and University Partnerships, American Council on Education
  • Scott Campbell, Vice President for Higher Education, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)
  • Peter Waite, Executive Vice President, ProLiteracy Worldwide
