YAP Event 3 - Career Planning and Counseling - Webinar Recording

The first of two webinars for YAP Event 3, Career Planning and Counseling, is now available for viewing.

View this webinar on the LINCS YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQQaUym0gtE&list=PLImUeO1ttx1bYvUdssZWnairMAfBSnTWV&index=3.




Hi Career Development Community Members:

Welcome to the Career Development Microgroup! I hope you had a chance to listen/watch the introductory video to this month-long microgroup! I also hope that you will share your examples and strategies related to career development across youth and adult settings. Think about the following questions….

  • What career development strategies do you use in your setting?
  • Are these strategies used across high school and adult education?
  • How do you measure the impacts of these strategies?
  • What resources have you identified that are critical to implementing career development in your learning environment?


Judy Shanley, Ph.D.

Community Facilitator

In a review of data from the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (www.nsttac.org), researchers found that student engagement - and the active participation of youth in career planning, improves post school outcomes. 

  • Did you know about this Federal Interagency effort described below? 
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that students are active participants in career planning?
  • Can you use examples from this web resource to implement your own youth empowerment programs?

Youth Engaged for Change Website Celebrates Youth and Young Adults

The Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs created a new Web site Youth Engaged 4 Change (YE4C) in partnership with youth and young adults who make positive change happen every day. YE4C celebrates “change makers” who are making a difference in the world, promotes meaningful relationships between youth and adults, and connects youth with federal resources and opportunities. To view the Web site, visit: http://engage.findyouthinfo.gov/. You can also share ideas for enhancing youth engagement.