New Report on Math Pathways

WestEd has released a new report on their work developing math pathways in California that can be accessed here:

The report summarizes the organization's study of math pathways in California community colleges, noting, "Historically, the algebra-to-calculus pathway has been many colleges’ default math requirement for students. However, over the last decade it has become clear that this pathway doesn’t reflect changes in the types of quantitative skills that students need in their lives and careers. Numerous mathematics-related associations and faculty organizations have advocated diversified math pathways that address the range of undergraduate majors and career goals. These educators have recommended that colleges develop additional non-algebra pathways to ensure that students gain a solid foundation in such important concepts as statistics, modeling, and quantitative reasoning."

The report offers descriptions of alternatives to the traditional algebra to calculus math pathway, highlighting options that emphasize quantitative reasoning and statistics.