Hi all,
I was recommended this online tool by some colleagues I'm working with right now - the description from the website is below.
The resource is from Concordia University's (in Manitoba) Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance and it is designed for K-12 but my colleagues are working with AE students.
URL: https://www.concordia.ca/research/learning-performance/tools/learning-toolkit/epearl.html
ePEARL is a free, bilingual, web-based electronic portfolio that supports literacy (and other content areas) by encouraging students to set goals, to develop and monitor strategies for accomplishing their work, and to reflect on their learning, all part of a process called self-regulated learning (SRL). A multimedia digital container, ePEARL helps students from early elementary through the high school years keep track of, think about, and improve how they learn.
Has anyone used this tool before? If so, let us know your thoughts.
Would anyone like to jump in and try it out? Reply here or send me mail me to let me know.