Make Industry Experts into Expert Instructors to Increase Student Success
Webinar Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM ET
Are you an institution interested in preparing your industry experts to become excellent teachers? The Industry Expert to Expert Instructor (IE2EI) IMPACTcommunity on—the free and open digital library of workforce training materials—has produced videos, tools, and resources featuring exemplary teaching practices that educational institutions can easily adopt and adapt to produce successful transitions of industry experts into expert teachers.
Description: Community colleges and others engaged in career and technical training place a premium on faculty with both the industry expertise and excellent teaching skills needed to impact student success. Colleges need to achieve this by equipping their industry experts with professional development to launch their careers as instructors. The Industry Expert to Expert Instructor (IE2EI) SkillsCommons IMPACTcommunity provides free, modularized, faculty development materials which can be used for self-paced training, embedded into a learning management system, added as a supplement to an existing faculty development plan, or even used as training aids in face to face sessions. In this webinar, participants will become familiar with the content available on IE2EI and learn how its interactive modules focus on essential teaching skills, which can help reduce anxiety for instructors facing students for the first time. Participants will obtain links for downloading the content to assist their institution’s efforts to improve their industry expert's teaching success and support increased student engagement.
This webinar is the first in a webinar series showcasing strategies and resources developed by community colleges that are of broad interest to educational institutions engaged in career-focused education and training. Topics of upcoming webinars will include career pathways, developmental education using competency-based education, affordable learning solutions, sustaining innovation, and apprenticeship. IE2EI, and the many other resources available on, were produced by grantees of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program, a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education.
Moderators: Cheryl Martin, Program Manager, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Erin Berg, Community College Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Presenters: Rick Lumadue, Associate Director and Grantee Relations,, California State University –MERLOT Brenda Perea, IMPACT Community Lead,
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Look out for future webinars in the TAACCCT "Innovations Leading to Career Success" series here: