Adult Immigrant Integration; Education and Citizenship: Law and Context

Hello ELA Colleagues,

I want to call your attention to a webinar offered by the Open Door Collective that may be of interest to you and your colleagues.

Adult Immigrant Integration; Education and Citizenship: Law and Context, an ODC Immigrant and Refugee Education and Integration Issues Group Webinar to be held on Friday, June 17th, 2022, 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. EDT

Register here:

Presented by Mary Joan Reutter, Esq., MA in Linguistics and J.D. from the University of Cincinnati. Ms. Reutter has been involved with immigration law, with an emphasis on refugee and citizenship law. She served for several years as a moderator of the VAWA Forum of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She is a member of the Open Door Collective and its Immigrant and Refugee Education and Integration Issues Group.