Blended Learning for the Adult Education Classroom, published by Essential Education, is now available, free and downloadable, at this web address: Please share the link with your colleagues; If you share it in a newsletter, web page, blog or e-mail list, however, please let me know.
My co-author, Carmine Stewart, and I would love to have your comments on the guide. We would like to know what you and your colleagues find especially helpful, and why; what you wished that we had included; and any other suggestions, corrections, or examples of how the guide is being used, as we plan to periodically update and revise it. Thanks.
David J. Rosen
I want to thank you, David, for this fantastic contribution to the field and making it available to us free of charge. In case you would like to see an overview with highlights, we asked David to create a post on the New Blending Learning Resource on Tech Tips for Teachers, just out today. Pass it around!
Steve Quann
EdTech Center @ World Education