SAVE THE DATE! Join us for a webinar to hear “Teachers’ Stories: Moving Instruction Online in Response to COVID-19”

Event Type: Webinar - Online registration is open!

Event Date: April 30, 2020 at 4pm ET/1pm PT

The sudden and rapid change from in-person to online/remote/distance education has presented new challenges for many adult basic skills education (including ESOL/ESL) teachers/instructors. Adapting to meet the education needs of adult learners has meant using technology in new ways – and having to transition at record speed. Three adult basic skills teachers will share how they have navigated this shift and will discuss where some challenges remain in their respective reading/writing, ESL, and math classrooms.  

Join the LINCS Community in the first in a series of webinars devoted to hearing from teachers who have begun delivering online instruction with different platforms, content areas, and contexts. Register today!