Still time to join this MOOC! Contribute to Adult Learner Resources!

Instructional Design Service Course: Gain Experience for Good -- In this project-based course, you’ll gain instructional design experience while developing open educational resources (OER) for instructors and learners in adult basic education programs.

For more information and to register for this MOOC, go to

The course started on February 22, but you can still sign up for this self-paced, facilitated and supported course until March 4th. Join over 1,000 participants worldwide who will share your experience!

Develop a segment in any field or topic that appeals to you. There will be many others with the same interest, with whom you can collaborate. There are many facilitators and SME's to help you all the way! I'm one of them! Come and join us!

Leecy Wise, Moderator, Reading and Writing, and Diversity and Literacy CoPs


    I was afraid this would be so much like the OER-STEM course of last year... but there is a *lot* more focus on design and -- just a lot more people in the course to learn from!   Seems almost all of the people who have taken the survey (and I just read an article about "who completes MOOCs" that said survey-completers and people who signed up right before it started were most likely to complete, eh? )  have a B.S. and more than half have graduate degrees.   I know from the introductions that there's a **lot** of knowledge and experience amongst us.   

    I'm also taking an educational technology design MOOC through edX (MITx: 11.132x Design and Development of Educational Technology) ... it's definitely more "undergraduate" in flavor but also a ton of fun.   One assignment was to create the "worst intervention ever..."   

     Now, to find more hours in the day... 

Thanks for posting these comments, Susan. I was very interested in both the survey results and report about the high educational level of participants. There is a lot of excellent dialogue taking place! Intriguing that people who sign up right before the course starts are most likely to complete. I wonder why? Immediate gratification?

I can't wait for the projects in this course to be completed and posted as OER! With over 1,000 participants worldwide, imagine the resources that will potentially flood our needy market! Leecy

I am thinking that people who sign up right when they see a course might be more likely to be doing so impulsively... and then forget. 

I crashed a course once that did an interesting thing in Google Hangouts -- if I remember right, the original webinar setting with lots and lots of people in it was set up so that only the leader had the camera on him... but then after the content, people grouped into groups of 10 or fewer with a common interest and did their own hangout for I think 10 or fifteen minutes. (That was when I had to sign off and do something at work, so I don't know how it went...) 

(... but, oh, my -- in the otehr course -- our next "assignment" is to come up with ideas to solve one of two problems.   The second one is:   people who still can't read after lots of intervention [and the description is very specific], and how to make drill and practice more pleasant.   Good grief, if ever there were a question with my name on it!)

I haven't used Google Hangouts for instruction. I wonder how that group activity went. Sounds like it would take a bit of technology to be able to set up that kind of interaction in a bigger group. I need to practice GH's more!

Susan, I hope that you will consider sharing your ideas for solving that problem! In fact, I think I'll post that as a discussion in the Reading and Writing group. Thanks! Leecy