Webinar: Developing Rubrics & Checklists for Differentiated ESL Instruction

Mark your calendar for this special LINCS webinar on Monday, June 9 from 4:00-5:00 PM EDT!

The LINCS Assessment and Adult English Language Learners Communities are delighted to co-host noted author Jayme Adelson-Goldstein. Jayme's well known books include The Oxford Picture Dictionary and the Step Forward series among others. During the webinar, Jayme will demonstrate how practical, classroom-based assessments can support learning in a multi-level ESL class. Attendees will learn to distinguish between rubrics & checklists; develop a rubric or checklist for a classroom task or project; and identify ways to use rubrics and checklists to differentiate instruction.

In the week following the webinar, we will have a follow up discussion in both Communities.

Register today! https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9cc2wvw10fb1b7b&oseq=&c=&ch=&isCustomThemeEnabled=true


Hi, all.  I'm very pleased to add my voice to Susan's in urging you all to sign up for the webinar to be given by Jayme Adelson-Goldstein in the Adult English Language Learners  and Assessment Communities on the topic of Developing Rubrics and Checklists for Differentaited ESL Instruction. Hope to
"see" you there on Monday, June 9, from 4- 5 PM EDT.

We are in for a  treat, with Jayme's background knowledge and presenstation skills and this important topic.  Afterwards, the discussion in the Communities should be equally rich.

Miriam, SME Adult ELL CoP