REGISTRATION AVAILABLE! Lessons from an ESOL Literature Circle: Flash fiction, four skills and fun

Hello colleagues, I've long been a fan of Literature Circles, so I'm delighted to announce that we are offering a live event on October 18, 2022 at 3:00 ET with Margaret Kinsley Johnson, which will emphasize the many benefits of using Literature Circles with English learners.

Literature Circles can be a powerful instructional approach to teach language to intermediate and advanced English Learners.This event provides an introduction to Literature Circles featuring testimonials of high-intermediate and advanced English learners and practical suggestions for how to start a Literature Circle, how to find appropriate texts, and how to support student roles. Margaret Kinsley Johnson will offer a brief review of the research which highlights the pedagogical benefits of Literature Circles and share how she has been implementing circles with groups of advanced English learners with great success.

Members, please feel free to post any questions you may have about Literature Circles and share your experience, too!


Margaret Kinsley Johnson's Bio:

Margaret Kinsley Johnson has been a volunteer ESOL teacher since 2016. She is a graduate of Yale University and earned a Masters in TESOL at American University in 2021. Margaret worked for many years as the Managing Director of Morgan Stanley Asset Management in New York City. She currently resides in Washington, DC.