Hello colleagues, Over the past several months, I have had the honor of being involved in the Digital Skills in the American Workplace initiative (DRAW). The focus of DRAW is on supporting teachers to integrate technology into instruction to build and enhance learners' tech skills and their digital resilience.
All of the DRAW resources are now available on the LINCS website.
The resources are organized as follows:
- Publications
- Professional Development Resources
- Instructional Resources
The Publications include a Landscape Scan report, blogs, briefs and additional articles related to technology.
The Professional Development Resources include a 5-unit online course that many practitioners will find highly relevant to their practice. Also featured are a Playbook and Edtech Routines featuring numerous concrete examples of how technology can routinely be integrated into instruction.
- Unit 1- Defining Digital Skills
- Unit 2- Instructional Models, Practices, & Resources
- Unit 3- Building the Digital Resilience of Diverse Learners
- Unit 4- Focus on Equity as a Key to Digital Resilience
- Unit 5- Assessing Digital Skills
Many teachers will find the Digital Skills Library and the Digital Skills Glossary in the Instructional Resources section especially useful.
What resonates for you when considering these DRAW resources? What is working for you as you integrate tech into your instruction? What challenges, if any, have you encountered with technology in your classroom?
Cheers, Susan Finn Miller
Moderator, English Language Acquisition Group