Annual Technology and Adult Education Conference in Philadelphia is back May 19th! Call for Presenters

The 29th Annual Technology and Adult Education Conference in Philadelphia is back May 19th! Do you have an exciting topic, research, or product you’d like to share with Philadelphia’s adult education community? Showcase what you’ve been working on with adult education practitioners. Submit a proposal to present at this year’s Conference! View guidelines and application here >>>
With a theme of Adult Education Remixed: Transformation through Technology, the Conference embraces the commitment toward innovation in adult education by providing adult education practitioners with engaging professional development opportunities. During this one-day Conference, participants will explore a variety of topics in general and concurrent sessions focused on transforming adult education through technology.
Presenters are invited to share innovative and dynamic, practice-based workshop proposals focused on integrating technology into adult literacy instruction, planning, services and administration.
Presentations will reach a variety of adult literacy practitioners from various types of adult education organizations across the region; including Executive Directors, Coordinators, Teachers, Case Managers/Learning Coaches and Volunteers (to encompass mentors and tutors).