Eight-week "Digital Toolbelt "micro-group on using Google tools began October 15, 2018


Below is the announcement for the first Digital Toolbelt Micro-group that began October 15, 2018 for eight weeks. We hope to be able to offer this again in the winter months of early 2019. If you are interested, contact Ed Latham at ohgeer@gmail.com.


Hello teaching colleagues,

In mid-October, the LINCS CoP Integrating Technology group will offer a new Digital Toolbelt micro-group, led by Google tools maven, and Integrating Technology member, Ed Latham.  The micro-group will focus on four free Google tools, including Google Classroom and three others to be selected by participants from the list below. The micro-group will have a maximum of 20 members, and those who e-mail Ed at ohgeer@gmail.com indicating their interest early, for example, now, will get priority.

Initial List of Possible Google Tools

  • Google Documents (Docs)
    • HyperDocs -- built on Google Docs
    • Google Docs Drawing Tool
  • Google Slides (Slides)
  • Google Sheets (Sheets)
  • Google Forms (Forms)
  • Google Sites (Sites)
  • Google Drawing (Draw)
  • Others  that participants suggest (search the web using “Google classroom tools” and you’ll find, for example, http://www.fusionyearbooks.com/blog/google-tools-for-teachers/

In your e-mail to Ed, let please him know:

  1. What you teach (ESL/ESOL, reading, math/numeracy, HSE preparation, etc.)
  2. What program(s) you work in and where
  3. The top three Google tools you want to learn to use. You will spend two weeks on each tool, so the group’s initial work will last from mid-October through mid-December.
  4. Your questions about what is possible or required in this micro-group 
  5. What projects you may have in mind, if you do, that you hope could be improved with the use of (a) Google tool(s). For example, you may want to:
  • Design automated assessments that can provide students who complete them with e-mailed feedback (Google Forms and Sheets)
  • Design digital worksheets (Google Sheets and/or Slides)
  • Design lessons that can easily be personalized for each student in your class (HyperDocs using Google Docs)
  • Launch a collaborative student writing or research project (Google Docs or Slides)
  • Enable students to design an online survey, for example, of businesses in the community (Google Forms)
  • Create your own, or help your students create their own digital book (Google Slides)

If the Digital Toolbelt micro-group interests you, e-mail Ed now at ohgeer@gmail.com .

David J. Rosen, Moderator

LINCS CoP Integrating Technology group