Flex Models Google Group

The Flex Models (HyFlex or BlendFlex mode) Google group is intended for practitioners of adult basic skills (adult basic education, adult secondary education/HSE, all levels of ESL/ESOL, and transition to post-secondary education.)  It is a Professional Learning Community or Community of Practice for adult basic skills educators who are planning to use or are now using flex modes. Its purpose is to build a community of those who are learning about, experimenting with, and/or using flex modes. It’s driven by members’ observations, questions, requests for help, aha! experiences, research, and successes that they would like to share with colleagues. Members can also describe and post links to professional development resources that they have found useful for flex modes.

If you are not sure if you are using a flex model, this article in the Adult Literacy Education journal may help you to decide. https://www.proliteracy.org/Portals/0/pdf/Research/ALE%20Journal/ALE_ResearchJournal-v003_02-2021-73_Rosen.pdf

Google groups work best for people who have a gmail or gmail-compatible email address; sometimes they also work with other email addresses; sometimes not. If you have a gmail or known-to-be gmail-compatible email address please use that; If not, you may need to get a (free) gmail address for this purpose.

If you would like to join this Google group, email me at <djrosen123@gmail.com> and let me know what your experience is with BlendFlex or HyFlex modes and what email address you would like me to use for you. 

If you have colleagues who are planning or implementing a flex model who may be interested in joining the Google group, feel free to share this description with them

David J. Rosen
