Original post by Dahlia
I'm sharing a link to a MOOC (massive open online course) for educators that is available for free here:https://courses.mooc-ed.org/dlt2/preview. And here is text from the home page: Digital Learning Transition
Thank you for your interest in the Planning for the Digital Learning Transition in K-12 Schools massive online open course for educators (DLT MOOC-Ed). This course will help you:
- Understand the potential of digital learning in K-12 schools;
- Assess progress and set future goals for your school or district; and
- Plan to achieve those goals.
The DLT MOOC-Ed is brought to you by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University's College of Education and the Alliance for Excellent Education's Project 24. Dr. Glenn Kleiman and Dr. Mary Ann Wolf are the program directors, with many others from school districts and other organizations throughout the country contributing to planning and facilitating the course. See DLT MOOC-Ed Team for more information.
The DLT MOOC-Ed is designed for school and district leaders, such as superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, technology directors, financial officers, instructional coaches, library media specialists, and lead teachers, as well as university faculty, consultants, parents and any others involved in planning and implementing K-12 digital learning initiatives.
We invite participation from public, charter and private schools. While the course materials are U.S. focused, we invite educators from around the world and found that international perspectives enriched the experience for everyone in prior courses. There is no cost for participating in the DLT MOOC-Ed.
We recommend, when possible, participation by teams from schools, districts or other organizations, since having local colleagues work together to relate the lessons from the DLT MOOC-Ed to their own context makes the course even more valuable. If a team is not available, individuals are welcome to participate on their own.
The DLT MOOC-Ed is divided into two parts, each consisting of four one-week sessions, for a total of eight weeks. The Fall 2013 DLT MOOC-Ed units begin on Sept. 30 and ends on Nov 24, with the course remaining open through Dec. 15 for those who would like more time to complete their work. We recommend completing the optional School or District Self Assessment Survey before the start of the course if possible, since the information in the survey report will help you connect the course to your own school or district. More information is provided in the Course Outline section.