Original post by Kate Herzog
Just wanted to share this call for presenters and sponsors for the Technology Literacy Conference: TLC at the Beach - to be held April 2-5, 2014 in Myrtle Beach, SC. <https://community.lincs.ed.gov/event/technology-literacy-conference-tlc-beach-april-2-5-2014>.
The deadline for proposal submissions is Dec. 2. If you are interested in submitting a presentation proposal, email Tony Kroll, Horry County Schools Adult Ed (TKroll@horrycountyschools.net).
For a sense of the wealth of learning the 2014 conference promises, look at the 2013 keynotes and presentations <http://edtheturtle.com/pages/HorryCountyAdultEducation/9070537492842945858>
Hope to see you at the Beach in April!