Today - September 19th - 2:00 p.m. Hangout

Original post by Barry Burkett

Hello All:

Last week I made a post inviting you to tomorrow's Hangout. It will be the first I've broadcasted live, “on-air.”  The topic of discussion will be use of Twitter in Adult Education.  If you’d like to see what we’ll be talking about please check out this page. Nell Eckersly, our group moderator, and Audrey McLaren, an educator from Montreal, Quebec, will be major parts of the conversation.

Being On-air means that people will be able to watch without having to be a talking head. So it will be more like television, but viewers will also have access to the documents, presentations, and able to make comments via a chat window. An additional bonus is that the event will be recorded and accessible later.

If you know of anyone who would like to watch they can do so by going to my YouTube or Google+ account.

I hope to see y'all there!
