Addressing Gaps in Information & Media Literacy Skills

Do your Adult ED students have gaps in their digital literacy and citizen skills? Information literacy is a critical skill that should be integrated into all subjects we teach. Rather than teaching digital literacy skills as a stand-alone, instructors should consider connecting this skill with existing content or lessons.

Last year I delivered a lesson on bias and propaganda to help my students prepare for their HSE tests. Instead of just teaching about bias and propaganda, however, I blended the lesson by having students not only identify bias and propaganda for the purpose of passing their test, but we also applied the concepts to our everyday online lives. In doing so, students were able to use these skills to not only help them pass their test, but to make them better digital citizens. Hopefully, they were able to take what they learned, and share this knowledge with their own families and friends.

  • How do you address gaps in your students' information and medial literacy skills?

  • What content areas might work best for blending information and media literacy skills?