Teaching the importance of using free images and crediting images is an important digital citizenship skill for us to teach our adult ed students. I have found recently that of the many I had saved, quite a few seem to now have broken link. I thought this might be a great opportunity curate a fresh new list of free images.
In the past, I have utilized Unsplash, Pexels and CleanPNG, but sometimes these are not enough!
- What is you favorite open education image resource?
- Please add it your image to this Wakelet! Or share in the comments and I will add them for you!
Just not sure WHERE in your Wakelet the Library of Congress' images would belong. https://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/ and/or https://www.loc.gov/free-to-use/
Thanks for the suggestions!
From the MA SABES ESOL PD Center: Sources for Stock Photo Images Reflecting Diversity from Many Angles
Thank you both!