Flex Learning: BlendFlex and HyFlex _asynchronous_ discussion

Integrating Technology group

Flex Learning: BlendFlex and HyFlex

Are you interested in Hybrid learning, specifically "Flex" (HyFlex and BlendFlex) models? This will be an opportunity to explore with David J. Rosen, Moderator of the LINCS Integrating Technology group and co-author of The What, Why, Who, and How of Blended Learning for Adult Basic Skills Learners how Flex models may be useful for adult basic skills education, particularly -- but not only -- in community colleges that are thinking about or planning HyFlex and BlendFlex models. 

You can contribute to the discussion by asking questions and providing information from your own experience or readings about Flex models. You can start posting your questions at https://community.lincs.ed.gov/group/21/discussion/blendflex-and-hyflex-learning-models-discussion-january-20-january-22 now, and through January 22nd.

Please share this announcement with your colleagues who may be interested and, if they want to contribute to the discussion, also share these two links on how to join LINCS and the Integrating Technology group. How do I create a new account? and How do I join or leave a group?

Note that this is an asynchronous discussion and, although times are listed, they can be ignored. Only the dates apply, January 20-22, any time, you can log in and contribute or, if you prefer, just "listen in".