Join AALPD (It's Free!) - Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers

Founded in 2003, the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers (AALPD) is a national professional membership association for adult literacy and adult education professionals specializing in professional development.

The goals of AALPD are to:

  • Build a network of professional developers in the field of adult literacy/adult education to share information and resources, and communicate effective and innovative ideas and promising practices;
  • Provide professional development for professionals specializing in professional development based on their needs and interests;
  • Contribute to the voice of the field of adult literacy/education by advocating and shaping policy initiatives specific to professional development.

If you are in the field of adult education and literacy and are interested in professional development, please consider becoming a member of or updating your membership to AALPD (if you have not done so already THIS year). 

Why should you become a member of AALPD?

  • Keep abreast of the latest professional development trends and issues affecting adult education and literacy.

  • Receive discounted rate at AALPD-sponsored preconference sessions at national adult education conferences and other activities that specialize in professional development topics.

  • Have access to an online repository of professional development resources as well as a registry of professional developers categorized by specialization.

  • Participate in an online community of practice dedicated to discussions pertaining to professional development issues in adult education and literacy.

  • Help build a strong voice of concerned practitioners committed to professional development in adult education and literacy.

  • Help shape AALPD’s strategic plan that will influence the organization’s future professional development priorities.

  • Participate in quarterly online webinars presented by national professional development experts.

  • Enjoy additional benefits as the organization grows and more benefits become available.

    Becoming a member is FREE and easy!  All you need to do is complete and submit the brief Membership Application.  You will be notified of your membership and will immediately begin enjoying the benefits of being an AALPD member. 

    AALPD’s first webinar will be in September 2014 and will focus on the recently passed Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and its implications for professional development.  More information will be forthcoming.

    For additional information about AALPD, visit or contact

Jeff Fantine, Chair of AALPD