During the week of June 24th, the LINCS Community will host a guest discussion and webinar with Gayle Box and Joyce Bullock of Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE). Kentucky has been at the forefront of standards-based instruction and has recently completed the second year of a three-year professional development (PD) model for standards-based instruction focusing on the KYAE Common Core State Standards in English/Language Arts and Mathematics.
As associates in KYAE’s Strategic Initiatives, Gayle and Joyce, along with KYAE instructors and administrators, will guide members through the PD materials and resources found at http://www.kyae.ky.gov/educators/CCSPD.htm and share how these materials can be adapted for use by other states. An introductory webinar on Monday, June 24th (2:00-3:00 PM ET) will be followed by four days of guided discussion in the community. To register for the introductory webinar, use this link:http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=myfqxziab&oeidk=a07e7m55vab93829559
Please note: you cannot register simply by posting a comment in the community or on this announcement; you must use the above link. Instructions on how to access the webinar will be provided in your registration confirmation email. All attendees must register.
The event will feature the following resources: Kentucky Professional Development Resources; Kentucky Common Core Standards; and Standards-In-Action.
LINCS subject matter expert Meryl Becker-Prezocki will serve as the host of the discussion and present the discussion questions.
This event is especially relevant to the following LINCS Community groups, though is open to all community members: College and Career Standards, Program Management, and Professional Development.
Stay tuned for additional details, including a schedule for the week. We hope you will join the discussion!
LINCS Community Team