Alternative Assessment : Writing Acitvity


The peer editing activity presented in the video was a good example of alternative assessment.  The teacher had clearly set up the stations and gave specific directions for completion.  The students were focused on the task and appeared to be engaged.  The discussion were relevant and accepted by the peer group.  The teacher was conscience of all activities as she monitored their actions and progress within the group.  As a former teacher, this method was effective for students as they learned from each other, both their strengths and weaknesses.  Constructive criticism can be easier accepted by a peer and not always from the instructor.  The students feel in control and can be much more helpful at times.

Thank you for your comment, Denise. Professional developers have begun sharing the advantages to introducing alternative options from which students may choose to demonstrate learning. The practice is reflective of universal design learning  that guides the development of flexible learning environments and learning spaces that can accommodate individual learning differences.