Developing instruction and support services for homeless youth

I invite you to review the Practice Brief: An Introduction to Runaway and Homeless Youth for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals.  

Factors associated with youth homelessness include the following: 

  • Lack of a High School Diploma or HSE: Education is one of the strongest indicators of homelessness.
  • Economic Difficulties: Youth with household incomes of less than $24,000 are 162% more likely to report homelessness.
  • Pregnant and Parenting Youth: Young parents are three times more likely to experience homelessness than their non-parent peers.
  • Family Conflict: While there are multiple forms of conflict, one area included is the LGBTQ youth who are are 120% more likely to report homelessness.
  •  Entrance into Foster Care: This can be seen as the first step to housing insecurity. 

After reading the brief, I'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can create professional development that aids professionals in creating sustainable systems to help move homeless youth toward both housing stability and career development. 

I'm looking forward to this conversation. 
