How do you and/or your staff use social emotional strategies for your benefit?


Leading up to our LIVE Zoom session on Wednesday, August 25, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. ET on Social Emotional Learning ...

Social-Emotional Learning: "Studies have found that teachers with stronger social and emotional competencies are less likely to report burnout and are more likely to demonstrate high levels of patience and empathy and positive relationships with students, all of which contribute to students' academic, social, and emotional development. ...(those) who engage in SEL practices can also improve their leadership skills, foster positive staff relationships, and create supportive school and work climates." Source: Learning Policy Institute, Leveraging SEL to Support Adults in the Time Of COVID-19, Justina Schlund, 2020.


What Social Emotional Learning strategies do you employ to remain productive and relational as an educator?