A More Recent Study on Effective Teacher Professional Development?

I was having a conversation with a colleague earlier today, and she said, 'That Darling-Hammond, Hyler & Gardner, 2017) study on effective teacher professional development is dated. Is there anything more recent?'

I would like to pose this question to the community. Is there a more recent study on effective teacher professional development?


Steve Schmidt



Thank you, Steve, for a great question. While your colleague may believe this is dated, it is a challenge to find research on educator PD, especially centered on adult educators. Thank you for sharing.

We'd love to hear from members if they're aware of other publications. 

BTW. If you do know of publications with founded adult education promising practices, you can submit resources to be vetted and potentially approved to reside in the LINCS Resource Collection!


Great question, Steve. I wondered if anyone has reviewed the Curriculum globALE Competency Framework for Adult Educators (2021) put out by UNESCO? In Section 1.2 of the document, they describe how the curriculum was developed, research that was used, and the contributions and perspectives of the project partners. Section 1.5 covers the Principles of Curriculum globALE: competency orientation, action orientation, learner orientation, sustainability of learning, and flexibility. In adult ed PD, we sometimes skip over the whole concept of adult learning and the role of the adult educator, and this curriculum is anchored in that overarching context.


Thank you, Callie, for your suggestion. I am a huge proponent of making adult learning and modeling behaviors central to professional development. I look forward to reviewing the Curriculum globALE Competency Framework for Adult Educators.  

We encourage members to Suggest a Resource to be vetted and potentially approved to be included in LINCS' Resource Collection. 

Again, we love hearing from our educators and professional developers!