Providing Professional Development for IETs


I want to refer you to a recent directive shared from the Department of Labor and open a discussion about how we design and deliver professional development to programs as they relate to Integrated Education and Training Programs. 

From the information: WIOA emphasizes providing services to individuals with barriers to employment, as defined in WIOA sec. 3(24), including some of the same populations that are to receive priority in the WIOA Adult program.  Recipients of public assistance, individuals who are basic skills deficient, or those identified as being low-income represent some of the workforce system’s most in need participants, and are the three priority groups that WIOA specifically mandates are entitled to receive priority of service (in addition to veterans and eligible spouses) for individualized career or training services under the WIOA Adult program.

  • Does this information change anything in your current professional development? If so, what does that change look like? 
  • What are the most commen professional development needs of instructors and career navigators?

I'm looking forward to this discussion. 

Kathy Tracey