Live Session: Innovative Remote ESOL Program Models and Promising Practices: Equity in Education for Adult Refugee and Immigrant Learners

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Live Session: Innovative Remote ESOL Program Models and Promising Practices: Equity in Education for Adult Refugee and Immigrant Learners

Description: Practitioners are seeking information on remote practices that work. Join Dr. Johan Uvin and Dr. Jen Vanek to learn about recent research from World Education, Inc., and others on using digital modalities to reach students. Examples of promising practices for remote ESOL programs will be shared.

Date/Time: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 12:00pm ET (live session) 

LINCS Community Group: Professional Development

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Innovative Remote ESOL Program Models and Promising Practices: Equity in Education for Adult Refugee and Immigrant Learners.



Regrettably I missed this session.  While I understand it was not recorded, are there resources such as a slide deck or materials shared that could be distributed?  Thank you!

A big thank you to Drs. Uvin and Vanek for their live event last week: Innovative Remote ESOL Program Models and Promising Practices: Equity in Education for Adult Refugee and Immigrant Learners.

Thank you participants!

And thank you, Abby for your request for additional information. Very much appreciate your reply, Rachel, in letting everyone know where resources are available. Dr. Vanek shared the same project page during the session.