Financial literacy is one of the most important tools that those who are impacted by the justice system can have in their tool box as they leave and begin the next chapter in their lives. For the next thirty (30) days we will look at curriculum and financial literacy resources for those touched by our criminal justice systems. From starting over and being penniless, to navigating the new Pell Grant Initiative this facilitated discussion will take a journey through financial resources for students both behind and beyond the walls of our prisons and jails.
Join us as we "Show You the Money" or at least how to navigate the financial challenges for those justice impacted.
Beginning Monday and throughout the month of April we will be having this robust discussion in our Correctional & Reentry Community of Practice on LINCS. Please join us.
#financialliteracy #justice #adulteducation #banking #pellgrant #college #funding #banking #consumer #reentry