IET In Corrections - First Steps March 4th 3-4PM ET

The Integrating Education and Training (IET) in Corrections project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), is pleased to announce a series of technical assistance activities available for states and local program staff to engage in over the next two years.

This project is designed to support the development of IET programs in correctional settings. As a first step, the project is launching a virtual learning series that is open to all correctional education stakeholders and will provide an overview of IET programs, federal and state requirements, and corrections-specific considerations. Examples of IET programs in correctional settings will also be shared. 

Please join us on Thursday March 4th to learn more.

First Steps: Assessing Readiness for Developing IET Programs in Corrections

  • March 4, 2021 from 3-4pm ET
    This webinar will describe readiness factors for developing IET programs and discuss specific considerations for correctional settings.
    Register now


Thank you to all those who attended the First Steps: Assessing Readiness for Developing IET Programs in Corrections webinar yesterday. There were many questions posed during the Think Tank part of the program and I would like to give space for those interested in following up with questions, suggestions, or comments. 

In case you missed the last webinar, here is what's coming up in the Integrated Education and Training (IET) project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). Below are some project updates.

 During the second webinar in the virtual learning series, First Steps: Assessing Readiness for Developing IET Programs in Corrections, that was held on March 4, we reviewed readiness factors for developing IET programs and corrections-specific considerations. We shared a Google Form to help you and your partners assess your readiness. We encourage you to complete this form prior to attending one of the next two webinars—IET Programs in Jails and IET Programs in Prisons. We also created a Virtual Discussion Forum (password = first) to give you an opportunity to share challenges, solutions, and technical assistance needs with implementing IET programs in corrections and questions about the IET in Corrections project.

 Registration is open for the remaining three webinars in the virtual learning series.

  • IET Programs in Jails
    March 11, 2021 from 2:30-4pm ET
    This webinar will focus on planning IET programs in jails. It will include a panel discussion with jail-based IET programs and an opportunity to discuss jail-specific considerations with your colleagues. 
    Register now.
  • IET Programs in Prisons 
    March 19, 2021 from 1-2:30pm ET
    This webinar will focus on planning IET programs in prisons. It will include a panel discussion with prison-based IET programs and an opportunity to discuss prison-specific considerations with your colleagues. 
    Register now.
  • Second Steps: Applying for the IET in Corrections Pilot
    March 30, 2021 from 1-2pm ET
    This webinar will support potential applicants in completing the pilot application.
    Register now.

 We will continue to post information about the project on the LINCS discussion thread. You can also use this thread to share your experiences with IET programs.

Applications are out for the IET in Corrections Project  project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). Any questions feel free to jump on in the pool and ask away. Jeff A