Using Mnemonics in the corrections classroom


I was speaking to some classroom educators yesterday and we were talking about promising practices and started talking about Mnemonics.  I invite you to review the resource Enhancing School Success with Mnemonic Strategies  and share your thoughts on using this memory devices. Additionally, if you have any mnemonics to share, I'd love to see some. 

Kathy Tracey


One of the things I love about teaching adults, especially adults in prison, is that they have so many life experiences.  It allows me to be more creative with mnemonics than when I taught in traditional school.  Many of the mnemonics I use are a bit "blue".  The students laugh at them but they remember them, so they work which is the whole point.  Example:  "Decimal points and negative signs are like an STD.  You can't ignore them and you must do something about them."