Presenting in the Math and Numeracy Strand at COABE - Sept. 17th, 1-2:30pm EST

As you may know, the Adult Numeracy Network is the strand partner for the Math and Numeracy Strand at the COABE annual conference. The call for proposals for COABE 2022 is due on October 15th. If you are considering putting in a proposal for a session in the Math and Numeracy strand, I would encourage you to attend the following meeting.


Presenting in the Math and Numeracy Strand at COABE

Sept. 17th, 1:00-2:30pm EST

In this meeting, representatives from ANN will share what they look for in a math workshop, based on the ANN Teaching and Learning Principles, the ANN Professional Development principles, and the COABE rubric for evaluating session proposals. Members of ANN will be available for help brainstorming possible topics, writing session proposals, and/or planning a conference session.

For more information about COABE's Math and Numeracy strand, visit:

To register for the meeting:


The meeting will be recorded and made available through the ANN web site.
