Please read the following announcement if you are interested in helping in a research project that promises to benefit you, your students and your adult education program.
ETS is recruiting adult basic education students and programs to participate in a national pilot of the SARA (Study Aid & Reading Assessment), a project supported by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The SARA measures foundational reading skills and is part of a suite of research-based, online reading assessments for adult learners that will be rolled out throughout 2019 and 2020.
For details about this project and contact information, go to Leecy
Leecy Wise
Thanks Leecy,
I just watched the two short videos that introduce the SARA to teachers and adult learners. If the assessment is as good as the videos it could be very helpful to adult reading teachers and adult new readers! I hope adult literacy teachers check it out and consider having their classes as part of the pilot project.
David J. Rosen
Thanks, David, and ditto! Leecy