Hello Reading and Writing Colleagues,
Here's an adult basic skills/foundational skills small grant (up to $3,000) opportunity for digital education materials, including for reading:
Subscriptions and licenses available through the Mobile Learning Fund include the New Readers Press:
- New Readers Press Online Learning – a pre-high school equivalency (HSE) and HSE test preparation tool
- Learning Upgrade – an app proven to teach English, HSE, math, and basic skills faster than traditional methods (also the grand prize winner of the Adult Literacy XPRIZE)
- Voxy – a digital solution that teaches English to new learners
- Leamos – an online program that teaches basic Spanish reading and writing to native Spanish speakers and prepares them to move onto English language learning
- News for You Online – a digital news source with easy-to-read stories that builds learners’ reading, comprehension, vocabulary, and English skills
For more information, and to apply, go to https://www.proliteracy.org/MobileLearningFund
David J. Rosen
We appreciate you contributing information about this exciting grant opportunity!
While I have been aware of New Readers Press for most of my career in adult education, I did not know until fairly recently that, "Proceeds from [New Readers Press] product sales help support the mission of ProLiteracy." ProLiteracy, a nonprofit organization, works to help the 36 million US adults who cannot read, write, or do math above a third grade level. They say, "When individuals learn how to read, write, do basic math, and use computers, they have the power to lift themselves out of poverty, lower health care costs, find and keep sustainable employment, and ultimately change their lives."
Thanks again for this information,
Steve Schmidt, Moderator
LINCS Reading and Writing CoP