Reflection on Beginning Stages of Writing Discussion with Dr. Mary Ann Corley

Hi Everyone,

It has been one month since we finished our three-day discussion about the beginning stages of writing with Dr. Mary Ann Corley.  The discussion focused on the following topics:

The background readings related to the discussion are from the LINCS resource Writing Next found HERE

At the close of the discussion, I invited everyone to reflect using the following three questions.  What is something in these discussions that:

1.  Reinforced something good that I already am doing?

2.  Reminded me of something I used to do and will try again?

3.  Gave me a new idea that I plan to try?

Please take a few moments and respond to one of the questions here in the community.  Also, if you used any of the techniques mentioned with your students, how did it go?

Thanks in advance for your responses,

Steve Schmidt

Moderator, LINCS Reading and Writing Community of Practice