Voting Resources

Hi Everyone,

We face an important election on Tuesday, November 3rd. Susan B. Anthony, who was arrested in 1872 for voting, said, “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.”

COABE just published an extensive voter resource list. Included in this list is the free News for You Voting Guide that is written at a sixth grade level equivalent. It covers such topics as reasons to vote, what to watch for in a debate, and political campaign ads. 

President John F. Kennedy said, “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” To that end, help your students cast informed votes by obtaining a sample ballot from your local board of elections. Have your students practice digital literacy skills by discovering where candidates stand on important issues. Stage mock debates (and please teach civil discourse!) to practice written and oral communication skills.

What are you doing to teach about voting in your classes?

Teach courageously,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing CoP