Intrigued by the zombie-ant fungi from the Last of Us?

The environmental educational group Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants (EBTSOYP) seeks to inspire the next generation of scientists and explorers by hosting virtual guest speakers and field trips most appropriate for middle and high school classrooms. EBTSOYP Daily Dives—the group’s latest project—presents classrooms with a short (5- to 7-minute) video and a brief (5-minute) thought-provoking activity highlighting a current science research breakthrough, conservation story, expedition, or other science event each day. Recent topics have addressed zombie-ant fungi, Arctic cyclones, bubble blowing echidnas, hunting meteorites, and the submersible Alvin. 

The Daily Dives playlist can be viewed on the EBTSOYP YouTube channel. Teachers can access the accompanying student activity and a transcript for the video in the video’s YouTube description. 

Intrigued by the zombie-ant fungi from the Last of Us, watch this episode! 

Happy Teaching!