2017 WIOA National Covenings Resources Available

This spring, the U.S. Department of Labor, in collaboration with its Education and Health and Human Services partners, will host three national convenings. These convenings will continue to support WIOA implementation, building upon the regulations and guidance, virtual training, and resources already available to the system.

These 2017 WIOA National Convenings will have one agenda and nearly identical content and will be held at different regional locations on the West Coast, East Coast, and in the Midwest.  

To view the resources associated with the 2017 WIOA National Convenings, including the agenda, program, presentations, and handouts, visit:https://ion.workforcegps.org/resources/2017/02/07/09/31/2017_WIOA_National_Convening.



Unfortunately this is the message I got when I went to register... NOTE: All convenings are booked to capacity – registration is closed

Hi, Lyn -

Yes, these sessions filled up fast.  Hopefully, you'll still find the resources listed on the page I posted helpful to your work.  If you have specific question, please share them with us.  Other members were likely in attendance, and may be able to share some perspective from the meeting.  I can also always help track down answers to your questions, so don't be shy!

Mike Cruse

Career Pathways Moderator
