OCTAE is seeking peer reviewers for the Pathways to STEM Apprenticeship for High School Career and Technical Education Students (Pathways to STEM Apprenticeship Grants) competition to be held this summer. We need individuals with expertise in apprenticeship, work-based learning, career and technical education, STEM education, high schools, and community colleges.
See this Federal Register notice for more information on the program: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/05/18/2018-10671/applications-for-new-awards-pathways-to-stem-apprenticeship-for-high-school-career-and-technical. During a period of time in late July and early August, reviewers will be expected to attend a reviewer training webinar, review and electronically score applications, and participate in several panel-review teleconferences. Reviewers will receive an honorarium. No travel is required.
If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer for this grant competition, send your resume showing your expertise in the areas listed above, to pathwaystoapprenticeship@ed.gov.