The Department of Education's blog, Homeroom, recently posted the following question, What happens when the Department stops recognizing an accrediting agency?
The following is excerpted from ED's blog.
It’s a relatively unusual case, but it’s a relevant one today. As part of our regular process for reviewing accreditors – staff at the Department recommended that the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (or ACICS) should no longer be recognized by the Department as an agency that can provide schools with an accreditation that makes them eligible for participation in federal aid. For more information on the failures that led to that recommendation click here.
This is not the final word on ACICS – so nothing is inevitable or happens immediately – but this recommendation does kick off a process that students will want to know more about.
ED tries to answer some of what you might be wondering – and will continue to provide more information as the process plays out. To read ED's responses to the most frequently asked questions, check out the blog here.