Defining, Strengthening, and Measuring Quality Career Pathways and Systems

Our colleagues at CLASP send this announcement


The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways Presents Framework
Defining, Strengthening, and Measuring Quality Career Pathways and Systems

A growing number of states and communities are exploring and adopting career pathways, and foundations and the federal government are making significant investments in this approach.

However, as state and local/regional partners embrace career pathways, lack of cross-system consensus on what constitutes a quality system and lack of shared metrics to assess career pathway participant success hampers the work.

CLASP and the Alliance partners jointly created and provided consensus support for Shared Vision, Strong Systems: The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways Framework Version 1.0, which establishes a common understanding of quality career pathways and systems.

If you could not join us on last month's webinar, The Transformative Change Initiative (TCI) network has invited CLASP to present Shared Vision, Strong Systems to TAACCCT consortium grantees again on Friday, September 12.

Friday, September 12
2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT


On this webinar, participants will learn about the framework, see it applied to a local/regional career pathway partnership led by Lane Community College in Oregon, and hear from an Alliance state partner in Minnesota about the framework’s value in their state career pathway system-building efforts.

Space has been made available for CLASP's network to engage. Reserve your Webinar seat now at:


Webinar Speakers

Vickie Choitz, Director, Alliance for Quality Career Pathways, CLASP
Rosa Lopez, Career Pathways Coordinator, Lane Community College
Judy Mortrude, State Program Administrator, Career Pathways, Department of Employment and Economic Development – Workforce Development Division