This What Works Clearinghouse (WCC) intervention report summarizes the findings of five studies on dual enrollment programs. Dual enrollment programs, also known as dual credit or early college programs, are collaborations between secondary and postsecondary institutions. The report found that dual enrollment programs have positive effects on students' general academic achievement, high school completion, college enrollment, and degree attainment.
Dual enrollment programs increase college access and degree attainment in three ways:
- While in high school, students take college-level courses that prepare them for postsecondary academic requirements.
- Students accumulate college credits early on, increasing the likelihood of completing a college degree.
- Dual enrollment programs often offer discounted or free tuition, reducing the cost of college for students, specifically for low-income students.
Do you think dual enrollment is something that only works for K-12 students, or does it also hold promise for adult learners completing their secondary education?